How’s it working out so far?


Here’s a quiz. Where do think this picture was taken? Syria? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Iraq? Nope, Bradford, Britain. Yes, Britain.  This is one of the many NO GO ZONES in Britain. And it’s coming to your neighborhood in the US. In a few years, this picture will be in your city.

In a British documentary entitled, “What British Muslims Really Think,” the following poll numbers should wake up even the most naïve multi-cultural, politically correct person who thinks all religions and all cultures are equal.

20% Of Muslims in Britain never enter a non-Muslim house;

39% Of Muslims, male and female, say a woman should always obey her husband

31% Of British Muslims support the right of a man to have more than one wife

52% Of Muslims did not believe that homosexuality should be legal

23% Of Muslims support the introduction of Sharia law rather than the laws of the British Parliament.

Similar surveys indicate that Muslims who have immigrated to Europe and Britain have hardened their attitudes towards assimilation. The younger the Muslim, the more likely they are to have hard-line views. And more of them are coming in what the Muslim Brotherhood calls a “Civilization Jihad.”

The current administration in the White House plans to allow 100,000 Muslims from the Middle Eastern countries into the US in 2016 alone. In addition, Canada has a new Prime Minister whose views are the same as the occupant of the White House and is also allowing 10,000’s of Muslim “refugees” into Canada. This means that our northern border will now be a cross-over point for radical jihadists.

Do not think that any of these “refugees” are going to assimilate and embrace the American dream. They will become Islamic ghettos and “no-go- zones” of hotbeds of “jihadists.” The government will take more money from the hard working American taxpayer (you and me) and give it to these our enemies who want to colonize America for Islam and their murderous god.

The only thing that can save America from this horde of barbarians is if America repents of its national sins and returns to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and our Judeo-Christian roots. Anything less means we are committing what I call “civilization suicide.” Something to pray about.
