The Sword of Islam
And the angel of the LORD said to her [Hagar]: Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild man, his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him (Genesis 16:12).
By your [Esau] sword you shall live (Genesis27:40).
Are you as tired as I am of hearing that Islam is a religion of peace? The One True God declared in Genesis that the character of Ishmael and Esau passed on to their descendants would be one of warfare by the sword. Let’s see how this has played out in history through Islam, the ideology of the descendants of Ishmael and Esau that was birthed in Arabia.
From the very beginning of his conquests, Mohammed established “jihad” as the way to spread Islam. In one of his cruelest actions, Mohammed and his followers beheaded six to nine hundred Jewish men, raped the wives and sold them and the children as slaves and stole their property. This was done in one day in the year 627. Throughout history, his successors have followed his example as we see today with the horrific beheadings from ISIS and even in Saudi Arabia.
When Mohammed died, his followers picked up their swords and began what would become the greatest shedding of human blood in history. With their ruthless appetite for blood, Mohammed’s successors went on a killing rampage and quickly conquered all of Arabia, North Africa, the Promised Land, Asia Minor, Turkey, Spain and part of France until they were stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours in 732. This decisive battle saved Europe as Christian. While Christian Europe advanced and Islam remained stagnant in seventh century culture, the Islamists never gave up their dream for world-wide conquests, as we see today.
In his book, History of Asia Minor, Raphel Moore estimates that the spread of Islam created the greatest “killing fields” in human history drenching the earth with the blood of those who opposed the “religion of peace.” According to Moore, Islamic jihad has murdered over 50 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists, and 125 million Africans.
Since people don’t study history, few know that Islam ran the slave trade in Africa. How ironic that in America Islam gets most of its converts from the African-American community. I wonder if these converts are aware that it is Islam that captured and sold their ancestors as slaves.
Scholars estimate that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and another 14 million traded to Islamic nations in North Africa and the Middle East. It is thought that for every slave that reached the slave selling block, another five died in the initial raid and from illness, disease and starvation. This means that for every 25 million slaves delivered, approximately 125 million died.
Based on the figures sighted …
The religion of peace has slaughtered 250,000 million
human beings and the slaughter continues today.