Nelson Mandela – Now for the rest of the story …


Nelson Mandela – Now for the rest of the story …

Nelson Mandela is being mourned by world leaders and made into a saint. While we certainly respect his desire and ability to reconcile with the political leaders he fought against, and did not set himself in place as a dictator, he is not the saintly figure world leaders and the press wants us to believe.

As Paul Harvey would say, now for the rest of the story.

Nelson Mandela was the head of the terrorist wing of the ANC and the South African Communist party. He pleaded guilty to 156 acts of terrorism including overseeing the planting of bombs in public places that killed many innocent people, including women and children.

Mandela honored and praised great human rights leaders such as Fidel Castor, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Red China and other brutal Communist dictators. The irony of all ironies is the Syrian dictator and murderer, Bashar Assad had praised Mandela’s life as a “lesson to tyrants.” Yes, you read that correctly.

On moral issues, Mandela promoted the legislation of pornography abortion, homosexuality and other devout lifestyles in South Africa. This means that he forced the South African people to legally accept these practices.

Regarding Israel, he declared Israel a racist state and supported Arafat and the PLO. He has made South Africa an anti-Semitic nation to the point that Jews in South Africa should make aliyah to Israel.

While we all have our shortcomings, Mandela used terrorism in his fight against the government and people of South Africa who opposed him while fighting against Judeo-Christian values and the moral teachings of God.


