As I am writing this, everything that can be shaken is about to be shaken.
Thankfully, the Egyptian army removed the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) President Mohammed Morsi from office. With intimidation from his fellow MB thugs and goons, Morsi was “democratically” elected by a slim margin and only received 13 million votes. When he turned Egypt towards becoming a radical Islamic state, excluding other political parties, the people rose up in protest. In the largest civil protest in history, over 20 million Egyptians peacefully called for his removal. The army responded and removed Morsi. While many pathetic, week-kneed Western politicians protested the overthrow of a democratically elected government, we are reminded that Hitler in Germany and Hamas in Gaza were also democratically elected. Sometimes democracy does not work in favor of the people. He that has an ear, let him hear.
Since the MB is violently anti-Christian as well as anti-Semitic, the Coptic Christians in Egypt supported his removal. The Coptic Christians are one of the oldest Christian communities in the world. It is believed that the apostle Mark went to Alexandria, Egypt and introduced the Christian faith in the first century. This means the Coptic Christians have been in Egypt about six hundred years before Islam conquered Egypt. They represent about ten percent of the Egyptian population.
The MB then showed the true colors of their “peaceful religion” by attacking the Coptic Christians. In a Kristallnacht-like action, they plundered over sixty Christian churches and set many of them on fire. In an action reminiscent of the Exodus story, the MB painted red on the front of Coptic owned stores to mark them for death and destruction. They have raped Coptic women at will and stolen Coptic children to raise them as Islamic or demand a ransom for their return. In addition, they plundered a Catholic school and paraded three nuns on the streets like spoils of war. This is an everyday occurrence for the Coptic believers in Egypt and with not a word of outrage from the White House, the American press or the American pastors.
How tragic that the president of the United States supports the MB and invites them to tea at the While House. He must be so upset that “his guys” got removed from office in Egypt. It is a serious setback to the MB plan to establish a world-wide Islamic Kalif that will usher in the appearance of the 12th Imam.
At the time of this writing, the world knows that the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons against his citizens and those who oppose him. Once again, this has put the president of the United States in a quandary as he has said that using chemical weapons would cross his red line. He has backed himself into a corner and must act. Furthermore, those fighting against Assad are worse than Assad so arming them will put American weapons in the hands of terrorists who will turn them against us and against Israel. It is a no-win situation.
US warships have placed themselves in position to launch a rocket attack against Assad. By the time you read this, they may have already fired them. Most insightful observers with whom I agree, believe that the US military has been authorized to make a token response to save face and to punish Assad with enough force to discourage him from further use of chemical weapons. Whatever the results, the world will see it as a weak response that will only encourage those who hate us to continue in their efforts to establish their world-wide Islamic Kalif.
Ironically, the Arab League of Nations supports this attack because both Syria and Iran are Shiite Muslims while most of the Arab League of Nations is Sunni. Saudi Arabia is terrorized by the thought of Iran getting nuclear weapons as Iran will use them to take over the Saudi oil fields. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Israel went to the defense of Saudi Arabia by destroying Iran’s nuclear weapons and Syria’s chemical weapons? Stranger things have happened in our world.
Oh, by-the-way, this is the same Assad that Hillary Clinton said was a reformer we could work with.
It is very hard to contain a war. They somehow have a way of getting out of control. Syria and Iran say they will attack Israel if the US attacks Syria. Lebanon based Hezbollah also says they will attack Israel. That would be a fatal mistake for Syria and Iran and Hezbollah as it would force Israel to defend herself. I don’t think Israel would give a weak response. This could bring about the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1 that says Damascus will become a ruinous heap and cease from being a city. Now for the rest of the story, just read the Bible. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob reigns. His counsel shall stand and none shall stay His hand. Amen!
Fall Festivals
It is time for the Fall Feasts of the Lord. September 5, Thursday, is the first day of Trumpet or Rosh Hashanah (the Biblical New Year). We wish all of our Jewish friends a blessed Shana Tovah – happy New Year. Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is September 14, Saturday. Tabernacles (Succot) is September 19-25.
I will be in New England during Succot from September 20 to September 29 speaking at two synagogues, a Hillel college campus group and at six Christian churches and a home Bible study group. Prayer is appreciated. For further information, contact Gail Thomas at
Hag Sameach – Happy Holidays.