The Charlie Hebdo Massacre and the US President
Another slaughter by the “religion of peace.”
It is clear that the massacre of Charlie Hebdo magazine’s editors and cartoonists in Paris by Islamic gunmen early Wednesday afternoon was well-planned. You recall that Charlie Hebdo had earlier published cartoons exposing Mohammed as the murdering warlord he was. Other media and public figures have done so and been threatened or murdered.
Twelve cartoonists and two policemen were murdered. The terrorists announced after their carnage that “this was vengeance for the Prophet Mohammed.” Some witnesses claim that at least one of the men cried “All-a-hu Akbar,” (“All-a-h is greater”), the rallying cry of Islamic terrorists. You could hear this on the video yourself. No matter the facts we hear the same old lie that this is not Islam, that Islam is a peaceful religion and that no religion condones such violence. Have these people never read the Koran?
When I learned about this, my immediate thought was the way to respond to this was for cartoonist around the world to post their own cartoons promoting the truth about Islam. I am pleased that many have done this. God bless them for their courage.
Thank God the French authorities have arrested one of the terrorists and are looking for two other men responsible for this attack. Unfortunately, France does not have the death penalty.
While our amoral Muslim Marxist occupant of the White House expressed outrage at the incident, he could not bring himself to call the murderers what they are – Islamic terrorist. This should not be a surprise. He will never do this because he is a Muslim sympathetic to their cause. His words and actions actually encourage these kinds of attacks. This is not just my opinion.
Let me remind you of his views toward Islam from a speech he gave at the UN in 2012: You cannot separate his words from their actions. ‘The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam.’
Islam is God’s judgment on Europe for the Holocaust and America for forsaking God. As long as we have anti-Judeo-Christian political correct elite running the country, we will continue to self-destruct as a nation. Only teshuvah, a return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who made us great, can save America. What will it take for America to repent or will we? In the bigger picture, Jews and Christians must set our face towards Jerusalem because the time to favor Zion has come.
We join with writers and lovers of freedom everywhere who are proclaiming: