Miracles in Israel with Hamaz/Gaza War in 2014
The God of the Bible, who performed miracles for Israel in ancient times, is still performing miracles in Israel today. In the next five weeks I am reporting five
miracles that I pray will encourage you to seek God for your own miracle.
This fifth miracle is “It Pays to Pray”
Miracle Five – It Pays to Pray – An IDF Soldier’s Personal Miracle
When we went into the field, I asked my commander if I could take some sweets with me into Gaza that civilians sent us from all over the country and he agreed. I took a package of chocolate filled cookies. After a day and a half of fighting with minimal amounts of food, we were enclosed in a house and I recalled that I had cookies packed with my gear.
I opened up the box and saw a note in it from a young kid. It was written in exactly these words: “I know that you are protecting me, and this is a small token of my appreciation to you. I am still you, but I have one request, that you say a blessing over the food.”
The secular soldier did not know how to make a blessing over the food. But another soldier there who was his friend and was religious was in another corner of the house. The soldier crawled towards his religious friend to ask him what blessing to say and how to say it. When he was done saying the blessings, there was a HUGE explosion. An RPG rocket was shot and exploded exactly in the place he had been just a moment before crawling to his friend. The soldier was wounded, but only with a few minor scratches. The solder broke out with a heartfelt cry.