The Holocaust of the Womb – Margaret Sanger and “the Birth” of Planned Parenthood


“Thank you, Planned Parenthood, God Bless you.”

Barack Obama, address to Planned Parenthood, April 26, 2013

In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book, On the Origin of Species in which he espoused evolution and “the survival of the fittest.” He believed that only the fittest of creatures survive over time and that the “less capable to adapt” die.

Darwin had a half-cousin named Sir Francis Galton. Sir Francis was a scientist and social progressive (liberal) who embraced Darwin’s message of survival of the fittest. He sought to apply this idea to humans. He explained that if proper British nobility only married other proper British nobility, they would produce a superior offspring that would make the world a better place. Hitler called it “the master race.”

Eugenics – Selective Breeding of the Fittest

In 1883, Galton invented a word to define his idea. The word was eugenics, pronounced yoo jeniks. Eugenics comes from a Greek word, eugenes which means “well-born,” “well-bred,” “of good stock.”

I think you can already figure out where this is leading. Eugenics was a social philosophy of “survival of the fittest” among humans. The proponents of eugenics taught that the human race could be improved by encouraging sexual reproduction of people who had desired traits (positive eugenics) while reducing sexual reproduction of people who had less-desired traits (negative eugenics).

Of course those who had the desired traits would decide who had the less-desired traits. Who was considered to be in the unfortunate less-desired category? People deemed unfit to reproduce included people with mental or physical disabilities, people who scored in the low ranges of different IQ tests, criminals and deviants, people without skills, the poor, the sickly, people with too many children, and members of disfavored minority groups.

Those with the desired traits would reduce the population of those with less-desired traits through marriage prohibitions, sterilization, euthanasia, and any other means acceptable by society. Showing compassion and mercy to those with negative eugenics was considered counterproductive as this would only keep them living longer and reproducing.

A growing eugenics movement emerged in Britain in the 20th century and spread to many countries, including the United States and Europe. Eugenics became very popular in the United States. The Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute and the Harriman railroad foundation funded eugenics research by some of the leading scientists at Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton. The Rockefeller Foundation even gave money to German scientists to start their own eugenics research. Unfortunately some of this money funded the research of Dr. Joseph Mengele before he went to Auschwitz.

Hitler studied the eugenics programs in the United States and successfully applied it to his extermination policy of anyone he did not consider part of the Master Aryan race. Hitler established a sex complex called Lebensborn where he bred strong German women to SS officers to produce children for his “master race.” An old movie called Of Pure Blood staring Lee Remick was a Hollywood presentation of Lebensborn.

Hitler murdered anyone he thought had negative eugenics. Hitler’s fanaticism and hatred of the Jews was the pinnacle of his obsession with eugenics. He murdered six million Jews in the Holocaust including one and half million Jewish children as he considered the Jews to be the least desired.

After the Nazi defeat, most countries and organizations severely limited or disguised their practice of eugenics because of its association with Hitler and the Nazis. There is one organization in the United States that has continued to practice the most evil method of eugenics on the most helpless of human beings. That is the subject of this article.

Margaret Sanger—the Mother of Planned Parenthood

One of the most zealous proponents of eugenics in the United States was Margaret Sanger (1879-1966). Margaret’s views on eugenics and birth control were shaped by her youth. Her mother had eleven children and seven miscarriages. She died at 50 years of age from tuberculosis. Margaret contributed her mother’s death to her repeated pregnancies which weakened her body. This led Margaret to believe that birth control was the way to contribute to women’s health and alleviate poverty which she determined was caused by women having too many children. In-other-words, she took her own personal experience and projected it on to the whole world.

Margaret opened her first birth control center in 1916 in Brownsville, New York. The “clinic” was closed one month later as the Comstock laws at that time made it illegal to practice or disseminate birth control devices. Margaret was driven by her vision and in 1917 published the first issue of her journal, The Birth Control Review. In 1921, she founded the American Birth Control League which eventually became Planned Parenthood.

While we understand Margaret’s grief seeing her mother struggle with so many pregnancies, Margaret saw children as a burden rather than a blessing. When we evaluate our own life and the lives of others, we must look at the fruit of the life. What is the fruit of Margaret Sanger’s life?

While Margaret may have had good intentions at the beginning, and we certainly appreciate her interest in women’s health, she merged her zeal for birth control with eugenics. She was no different than Hitler in that she wanted to depopulate those she considered to be unwanted (less desirable). To Margaret, the feeble, the weak, the poor, those mentally and physically challenged, those who couldn’t contribute, minority groups and anyone else she thought had negative eugenics were to be exterminated through whatever means society would accept.

To Margaret, the greatest sin one could commit was giving birth to unproductive children. In an interview with Mike Wallace in 1957, Margaret said, “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they are born. That to me is the greatest sin – that people can – can commit.”

Regarding large families, Margaret said, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it” (Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race, Eugenics Publishers, 1920, 1923).

Regarding helping the poor and disadvantaged, Margaret wrote,
“Organized charity is itself the symptom of a malignant social disease. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks [of people] that are most detrimental to the future and the race of the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant” (Margaret Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization).

Birth control appeals to the advanced radical because it is calculated to undermine the authority of the Christian churches. I look forward to seeing humanity free some day of the tyranny of Christianity no less than Capitalism” (Margaret Sanger, Killer Angel: Margaret Sanger in Her Own Words).

Margaret Sanger was a white supremacist racist who was well received by the Ku Klux Klan. No wonder, she saw poor southern black people as a huge negative eugenics group that needed to be exterminated. In 1939 she proposed what was known as the “Negro Project.” She wrote, “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Margaret Sanger was a prolific writer. The comments above are just a few of the many things she said and wrote expressing her views on population control. Sadly, she did not value human life. She wanted to exterminate anyone she considered a burden to society. The crowning fruit of her life is the abortion of 60 million innocent unwanted infants in their mother’s womb. Her legacy is the Holocaust of the womb led by her Planned Parenthood, the most barbaric death-cult in the history of mankind.

Ironically, Planned Parenthood is successfully continuing the “Negro Project” as a large percent of their abortions is performed on black women, in black communities, all with the financial support of $500 million dollars annually from the American taxpayer. It is sad that black women make up only about 13% of the population but have 37% of the abortions. Planned Parenthood sets up shop in their neighborhoods because that is where they make their money. Do black lives matter? Not to Planned Parenthood.

Oh, by-the-way, the richest man in the world today is a devoted eugenics. His father, Bill Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood and is co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Have a great day.


