ISIS and radical Islam are the main issues in our world but Westerners know so little about Islam. I encourage everyone to read my book, Radical Islam’s War Against Israel, Christianity and the West. For those who are interested, I am available to teach on “ISIS, the Islamic Caliphate and the End Times.” This is really, really important. So please call our office to discuss your interest.

To help you understand how Islam established itself as a regional power and threat to the West, I am posting a blog of four articles entitled, “How Islam Consolidated its Power and Spread its Message.” The information presented focuses on the four leaders who succeeded Mohammed. This article is about Omar ibn al-Khattab.


Omar ibn al-Khattab (634-644)


Abu Bakr was succeeded by Omar ibn al-Khattab. With the power base consolidated and secured in Arabia, Omar was able to devote his rule to expanding Islam outside of Arabia. What the apostle Paul was to Jesus, Omar was to Mohammed. He was the apostle and evangelist of Islam. And like the apostle Paul, Omar was incredibly successful in spreading Islam.

With the help of Khalid ibn al-Walid, Omar used the “Sword of A-l-l-ah” to rapidly conquer the lands of the Middle East. There was nothing peaceful about it. It is a fact that no nation has ever peacefully embraced Islam. This “religion of peace” has always conquered and subjugated people with the sword. Under Omar’s direction, the tribes of Arabia united under the banner of Islam.

Then suddenly and without warning, Omar and his army of blood thirsty ruthless marauding followers violently burst out of Arabia and devastated and conquered the surrounding Christian and Jewish communities. One after another, and in rapid succession, Omar conquered Syria in 632, Iraq in 636, Egypt in 639, and Persia in 642. Most importantly, and tragically, Omar conquered Jerusalem in 635. He entered Jerusalem in 638 and declared the Temple Mount to be an Islamic holy site. He built a wooden Mosque at the present location of the Dome of the Rock and dedicated the place of Solomon’s Temple to A-l-l-a-h.

Historian George Grant in his book, Blood of the Moon: Understanding the Historic Struggle between Islam and Western Civilization (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville) describes Omar as follows: “A stern giant of a man with a long dark beard and a full, brooding countenance. He wore coarse, frayed garments and always carried a whip in his right hand in order to enforce righteous humility among his men. He had little appreciation for the accomplishments of Byzantine and was single-minded in his desire to bring the empire to its knees.”

“Omar entered Jerusalem riding upon a white camel. He was dressed in worn filthy robes, and the army that followed him was rough and unkempt. But its discipline was perfect. Omar rode straight to the sight of the Temple of Solomon … He was shocked at the filth and rubble that lay strewn about the Temple Mount. Because the holy sight had been neglected he made the Christian Patriarch grovel in the muck. Afterward Omar set about clearing the sight. He then built a wooden mosque on the Temple Mount.”

His conquests present Omar with a dilemma. Under his predecessor, Islam was limited to Arabia. But now Omar had conquered a vast territory which has been the land of Jews and Christians. What was he to do with these Jews and Christians?

Omar decreed that Jews and Christians were inferior to Muslims because Islam had superseded and conquered Judaism and Christianity. His determined that Jews and Christians living under Islam would be considered “dhimmis” which is a word for non-Muslims living under Muslim rule.

Omar decreed that the “dhimmis” did not have to convert to Islam and were to be treated with mercy as long as they followed rules he established for a conquered people living under Islamic rule. These rules were such that under the most benevolent Muslim leader, Jews and Christians were constantly harassed and humiliated while under the intolerant leaders, they feared for their lives.

Here is the Omar Charter that provided the manner in which Jews were to live under Islam. There were similar rules for Christians. This is still the guiding policy for Islam and would be the way Christians and Jews would be treated in an Islamic America.

The Omar Charter


  1. Jews were forbidden to touch the Koran.
  2. Jews were required to wear distinctive clothing.
  3. Jews were required to wear a yellow piece of cloth as a badge (blue for Christians).
  4. Jews were not allowed to perform their religious practices in public.
  5. Jews were not allowed to own a horse which was a sign of a nobleman.
  6. Jews were required to bury their dead without grieving in public.
  7. Jews were required to pay special taxes.
  8. Jews were not allowed to defend themselves against a Moslem.
  9. Jews were not allowed to testify against a Moslem.
  10. Jews were forbidden to build new synagogues.
  11. The houses and tombs of Jews were not allowed to be higher than those of the Moslems.
  12. The graves of Jews had to be level so that anyone could walk over them.


In ten short years, Omar had established an Islamic empire throughout North Africa and the Middle East reaching into Asia. He established an Islamic social order of semi-slavery for the “infidel” Jews and Christians living under Islamic rule. By taxing the conquered people, he brought great wealth to Islam. Omar was assassinated at the Mosque in Medina and died on November 23, 644. He also was buried beside Mohammed.

George Grant gives us the incredible significance of Omar. He writes, “Before his death in A. D. 644, Omar had spread the domination of Islam from the Euphrates to North Africa. He had conquered all of Iraq, brought Persia to the brink of collapse, controlled the southern Mediterranean coastline, and put Christendom on the defensive at every turn. In addition, he left his successors a tumultuous momentum that gave them expansive new conquests in Spain, Sicily, Crete and Italy.”

Throughout the centuries, Jews and Christians living under Islamic rule suffered persecution and humiliation, the intensity of which was determined by the character of the particular Moslem ruler. Even under relevantly tolerant rule, Jews and Christians struggled to survive and lived in constant fear for their lives. Not much has changed.

In modern times, when Jordan illegally occupied East Jerusalem from 1948-1967, all Jewish residents were expelled and barred from the Western Wall. The Jewish quarter, including all fifty-eight synagogues, was destroyed or desecrated. This was done under the rule of King Hussein, the most moderate of Arab rulers.









            ISIS and radical Islam are the main issues in our world but Westerners know so little about Islam. I encourage everyone to read my book, Radical Islam’s War Against Israel, Christianity and the West. For those who are interested, I am available to teach on “ISIS, the Islamic Caliphate and the End Times.” This is really, really important. So please call our office to discuss your interest.

To help you understand how Islam established itself as a regional power and threat to the West, I am posting a blog of four articles entitled, “How Islam Consolidated its Power and Spread its Message.” The information presented focuses on the four leaders who succeeded Mohammed. This article is about Abu Bakr.


Abu Bakr (632-634)


When Mohammed died in 632, he was succeeded by four leaders who were instrumental in solidifying Mohammed’s teachings and spreading them with the sword. The first of these Caliphs or successors, was Abu Bakr

Abu Bakr was a father-in-law to Mohammed and one of his first converts. His immediate challenge was that many Mohammed had forced to covert by the sword began to revolt. If the Mohammed’s teachings were to survive, Abu Bakr had to crush the rebellion and forcibly keep the people submitted to the teachings of Mohammed.

Abu Bakr turned to his commander, Khalid ibn al-Walid, to put down the revolt. Al-Walid was a brutal, ruthless war-lord who showed no mercy in slaughtering those revolting. He said, “The taste of blood is pleasant on my mouth.” He became known as the “Sword of A-l-l-ah.” He was successful in stopping the revolt and firmly establishing Islam as the new religious/idealogy of Arabia. We see from the very beginning of Islam, that the only way this “religion of peace” survived and spread, was by the sword.

Abu Bakr died of a sickness on August 23, 634 and was buried beside Mohammed. He was 63 years old. He was the only one of the four successors who died of natural causes. The others were murdered in blood rivalries.

Before he died, Abu Bakr realized that many of Mohammed’s trusted companions had been killed. In order to preserve Mohammed’s sayings, Abu Bakr had Mohammed’s secretary, Zayd ibn Thabit, collect as many of Mohammed’s sayings as possible. This proved to be a difficult task and there was no oversight, no team of scholars, no sound methodology, and no and checks and balances to validate or verify the integrity of Zayds work. It was all based on hearsay.


Ancient Sacred Borders and the Modern State of Israel

Ancient Sacred Borders and the Modern State of Israel

In Bible times people believed that land was owned by the deity they worshiped and that the land borders were sacred. We read in Leviticus, “The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for your are strangers and sojourners with Me” (Leviticus 25:23).

Joel writes, “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land” (Joel 3:1-2).

This is why God instructed the Hebrews not to move boundary markers (Deuteronomy 19:14).  To remove the covenant landmarks and divide the land was not just an attack against the people, but more importantly, against the deity the people worshiped.  It was the way the enemy showed that their god was greater.

We must have this knowledge to be able to understand the ancient biblical context of God’s warning in Zechariah 12:3, “And it shall happen in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone (boundary marker of God’s territory) for all peoples, all who would heave it away (divide Jerusalem) will surely be cut in pieces (cursed for attacking the sacred covenant land), though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.”

As long as our beloved America continues to pressure Israel to divide up God’s sacred land, including Jerusalem, we can expect America to continue to implode from within at an accelerated rate of decline followed by collapse and chaos of all of our systems. Our only hope is to return, tesuvah, to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and stand unwavering with Israel.


The Sword of Islam

The Sword of Islam

And the angel of the LORD said to her [Hagar]: Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild man, his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him (Genesis 16:12).

By your [Esau] sword you shall live (Genesis27:40).

Are you as tired as I am of hearing that Islam is a religion of peace? The One True God declared in Genesis that the character of Ishmael and Esau passed on to their descendants would be one of warfare by the sword. Let’s see how this has played out in history through Islam, the ideology of the descendants of Ishmael and Esau that was birthed in Arabia.

From the very beginning of his conquests, Mohammed established “jihad” as the way to spread Islam. In one of his cruelest actions, Mohammed and his followers beheaded six to nine hundred Jewish men, raped the wives and sold them and the children as slaves and stole their property. This was done in one day in the year 627. Throughout history, his successors have followed his example as we see today with the horrific beheadings from ISIS and even in Saudi Arabia.

When Mohammed died, his followers picked up their swords and began what would become the greatest shedding of human blood in history. With their ruthless appetite for blood, Mohammed’s successors went on a killing rampage and quickly conquered all of Arabia, North Africa, the Promised Land, Asia Minor, Turkey, Spain and part of France until they were stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours in 732. This decisive battle saved Europe as Christian. While Christian Europe advanced and Islam remained stagnant in seventh century culture, the Islamists never gave up their dream for world-wide conquests, as we see today.

In his book, History of Asia Minor, Raphel Moore estimates that the spread of Islam created the greatest “killing fields” in human history drenching the earth with the blood of those who opposed the “religion of peace.” According to Moore, Islamic jihad has murdered over 50 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists, and 125 million Africans.

Since people don’t study history, few know that Islam ran the slave trade in Africa. How ironic that in America Islam gets most of its converts from the African-American community. I wonder if these converts are aware that it is Islam that captured and sold their ancestors as slaves.

Scholars estimate that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and another 14 million traded to Islamic nations in North Africa and the Middle East. It is thought that for every slave that reached the slave selling block, another five died in the initial raid and from illness, disease and starvation. This means that for every 25 million slaves delivered, approximately 125 million died.

Based on the figures sighted …

The religion of peace has slaughtered 250,000 million

human beings and the slaughter continues today.


America’s Date with Destiny – March 3

America’s Date with Destiny – March 3

Happy Purim – March 4-5

Bible readers know the importance of Purim as told in the book of Esther. Set in ancient Persia, modern Iran, the One True God of Israel providentially allowed Hadassah (Esther) to be strategically placed in the king’s palace and find favor with him. Esther was Jewish.

People of the Book know the story. When the king dismissed his queen who refused his summon, the king chose Esther as his new queen. But there was trouble. The king had a prime minister who was an evil man. His name was Haman (boo). Haman (boo) hated Jews and plotted to kill them all.

As the story unfolds, Esther had a cousin named Mordecai (yea). Mordecai (yea) learned of the plot and told Esther that she had to go before the king and intercede for her people. Esther must have been struck with fear. You see, it was politically incorrect for Esther to appear before the king unless the king called for her. It was against Persian government protocol to speak without getting permission. But Esther wouldn’t just lose votes; she would lose her head. She sent word to Mordecai (yea) that whoever enters the king’s inner court without being called was subject to death. And the king had not called for Esther in 30 days.

Mordecai’s (yea) response to Esther was a powerful statement that has stirred the hearts and minds of people ever since they were written in the Book of Books.  He said, “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than any other Jew. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows if you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14)

WOW! What a challenge and what insight. Mordecai (yea) knew that when Haman (boo) discovered that Esther was a Jew he would have her murdered along with all the other Jews in Iran, oops, I mean Persia. Mordecai (yea) also knew that the God of Israel was sovereign and that, just perhaps, Esther was born and chosen for this one assignment to save the Jewish people. Mordecai (yea) also knew that if Esther failed in her assignment, God would use some other means to rescue the Jews.

Now there was more to Esther than just good looks and a year’s free admission to the palace spa and Mary Kay cosmetics. She had an inner strength and the courage to answer Mordecai (yea), “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shusan, and fast for me; neither eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:15-17).

As students of the Bible know, the king did receive Esther who revealed Haman’s (boo) plot to the king. The king honored Mordecai (yea) and Esther and commanded that Haman (boo) be hung on the tree that he had prepared for Mordecai (yea). Haman’s (boo) wife and friends saw this coming and said to Haman (boo), “If Mordecai (yea), before whom you have begun to fall, is of Jewish descent, you will not prevail against him but will surely fall before him” (Esther 6:13).

As things turned out, the king gave the Jews the right to defend themselves (hello Israel) who defeated those who plotted to murder them. Then all the Jews of Persia celebrated for two days with feasting and joy, exchanging gifts and helping the poor (Esther 9:20-23). Furthermore, Mordecai (yea) invited all who would join them (non-Jews who loved Jews) to celebrate with them (Esther 9:26-28). Christians – go get your groggers – it’s time to party.

America’s Date with Destiny

Now what does Purim have to do with America’s date with destiny? The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is scheduled to speak to the congress on March 3, the day before Purim. As we all know the man in the White House is upset because he was not informed about this ahead of time. In other words, the speaker of the House did not follow proper protocol.

Bibi is coming to warn the world about Iran getting nuclear weapons. Of course, Iran and its fanatical leaders is the Haman’s (boo) of our time. They have clearly stated their intentions to wipe Israel off the face of the map with just one nuclear bomb.

Can it be that Bibi is in the role of Esther who is coming to intercede to the King President and Congress of behalf of his people, Israel? Can it be that March 3 is America’s date with destiny determined by how America responds to Bibi’s message?

I am certain that the congress will give Bibi numerous standing ovations. But what about the man in the White House?  Will he continue to harden his heart against the God of Israel, the land of Israel and the people of Israel? Will he hasten the judgment of God on America for siding with the wicked Haman’s (boo) of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.?

The word of God is true and certain, “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehosaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land” (Joel 3:1-2).

Christians, Israel and Purim

And what about Christians? What and how should Christians respond?  Is it likely that the sovereign God of the universe has allowed us to be alive “for such a time as this” when Israel has been born again in one day, May 14, 1948 as prophesied by Isaiah (Isaiah 66:7-10)? There are three steps.

  1. Fast and pray – Christians should be like Mordecai (yea) and Esther. We should fast and pray that our leaders will stand with Israel against the wicked Haman’s of our world who want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people wherever they live. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 58:6)
  2. Intercede for the Jewish people and for Israel – As Esther and Mordecai (yea) interceded for their own brethren, so Christians should intercede for Israel and the Jewish people living in the nations that God would protect them from their enemies and that they would seek Him with their whole hearts. (Psalm 122:6; Isaiah 62:6-7)
  3. Get Involved – The Jews in Persia did more than just fast and pray. They defended themselves. Likewise, Christians can defend Israel and fight against anti-Semitism by writing letters to the newspapers, contacting our representative in Washington, helping Jews make aliyah, going to Israel, educating friends, co-workers, Bible teachers and pastors about God’s everlasting love and covenant with Israel and the Jewish people. (Isaiah 40:1)

If Christians do not take these steps, God will bring deliverance to Israel and the Jews from some other source. But we must not be deceived. If we do not get involved, we will not go unnoticed by the wicked Haman’s (boo) of this world, wherever you find them, who will persecute Christians along with the Jewish people. God is a faithful covenant-keeping God. He will fulfill His promises to Israel and the Jewish people but the Haman’s of this world will not prevail against them. Israel will fulfill her destiny to be the head of and light to the nations.


Why Are American Jews So Liberal?

Why Are American Jews So Liberal?

Over the years, Christians have often asked me why American Jews are so liberal. I have answered them by saying because of their history as a persecuted minority and their secular humanist beliefs that have replaced their “choseness” as the people of God called to be a light to the nations.

In the article below, Ben Shapiro gives a clear and insightful statement that I found helpful and wanted to share with you. Ben is the editor-in-Chief of TruthRevolt, a bestselling author and conservative news commentator and an Orthodox Jew. The surveys will help you understand why most American Jews care nothing for Israel – are not Zionists. Read it and weep. Please pray for a spiritual awakening for the Jews in America and the American “cultural Christians” that both will return (teshuvah) to the One True God of the Bible.

Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist?

February 12, 2015 by 2 Comments

In 2008, American Jews voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama. Even though Obama had spent large segments of his prior life hobnobbing with vicious anti-Semites like Jeremiah Wright and Rashid Khalidi, even though he had staffed his campaign with anti-Semites ranging from Zbigniew Brzezinski to Robert Malley, Jews turned out in droves for him. Sarah Silverman harangued young Jews into telling their grandparents that they were racist if they didn’t vote for him; Jeffrey Goldberg, Obama’s designated court Jew – a role he has never relinquished — informed Jews that they were racist if they feared Senator Obama’s positions on Israel.

American Jews voted 78 percent for Obama in 2008.

After he was elected, Obama proceeded to undermine Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, force Netanyahu to humiliate himself before thugs like the Turkish government, publicly condemn Israel’s defense of itself during the Gaza war against Hamas while funding the Hamas unity government, repeatedly leak vital national security information that would have allowed Israel to strike Iran, and sign a deal with Iran that essentially foreclosed any possibility of Western attempts to stop Iran from going nuclear.

American Jews voted 69 percent for Obama in 2012.

The question I’m most often asked, thanks to my kippa, is why Jews vote leftist. The answer is simple: the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel. They care about secular leftism, which is their religion.

The polls show this. American Jews are the least religious group in America.

  • Only 41 percent say that their religion is important to them in their daily life, according to a December 2012 Gallup poll;
  • Only 34 percent said they attend religious services at least monthly, compared with 65 percent who said they attended religious services seldom or never.
  • 22 percent of Jews say they have no religion.
  • According to an October 2013 Pew poll, just 38 percent of Jews say their Jewish identity has anything to do with Jewish religion at all.
  • Just 10 percent of Jews identify as Orthodox – people who consider themselves fulfilling the commandments of the Torah.

American Jews and Israel

  • As for Israel, just 30 percent of Jews say they are very attached to Israel.
  • Only 43 percent of Jews have ever been to Israel.
  • Just 40 percent of Jews believe God gave Israel to the Jewish people.
  • 27 percent say God didn’t, another 5 percent said they don’t know
  • 28 percent said they didn’t believe in God at all.

What does being Jewish mean to most American Jews?

So, what does being Jewish mean to most Jews?

  • Again, according to the Pew poll, 73 percent of Jews said it was about remembering the Holocaust.

Just 19 percent said it was about observing Jewish law

  • Only 28 percent said it was about being part of a Jewish community.

Jews, in other words, are not religious. They are secular leftists who don’t want to be labeled white people because they like being diverse and being able to enjoy the in-jokes in Woody Allen films.

So why is it a surprise that most Jews vote leftists? Most Jews aren’t Jewish in any real sense beyond ethnic identification. They have nothing to do with Torah, the five books of Moses. They have nothing to do with the ethical system posited by Biblical Judaism. They have nothing to do with the mitzvot, the commandments. They have nothing to do with Israel. Polling Jews on their politics is like polling anyone born Catholic on their politics: you’re going to skew far to the left by including lapsed Catholics. And most Jews are lapsed Jews, or never-knew-anything-in-the-first-place Jews.

The Torah is not a left-wing document. It opposes abortion and opposes same-sex marriage. It does not believe in a grand welfare system, but in private charity. It dictates belief that Israel was promised to the Jews, and that the Jews have a responsibility to live ethically according to a set of specific behavioral guidelines. Judaism is conservative, in the modern parlance. Those who pretend to back both Judaism and left-wing values are betraying Torah Judaism. Which is why while Jews vote three to one for Democrats, Orthodox Jews vote nearly two to one for Republicans.

Now, there are older Jews who vote leftist because they remember the bad old days of country club Republicans who rejected them from the golf course, and don’t realize that things have changed rather dramatically. There are older Jews who vote leftist because they remember the legacy of European Christianity that preyed on Jews for centuries, and don’t realize that American Christians are Jews’ best friends, not the American left that stands by President Obama.

But by and large, most Jews vote leftist because they are upper middle class agnostics with above-average levels of post-graduate education who believe that religion is a great ill, that Biblical morality is intolerant and vicious, and that Judaism itself is passé.

Jews who care about actual Judaism don’t vote leftist. And those who prioritize leftism don’t vote Jewish.



As the whole world knows, ISIS burned alive

As the whole world knows, ISIS burned alive the captured Jordanian pilot.
What the world does not know is that ISIS was only doing what the Koran
tells them to do. While all Islamic leaders quickly condemn such action as
not being Islamic, unfortunately, this is exactly what the Koran teaches.
Here is the quote and reference from the Koran. I have placed the dashes
in the name of the Islamic god so you will not have to pronounce it.
“Those that deny our revelations we will burn in fire. No sooner will their
skins be consumed than we shall give them other skins, so that they may
truly taste the scourge. A-L-a-h is mighty and wise.” Surah 4:56

The Charlie Hebdo Massacre and the US President

The Charlie Hebdo Massacre and the US President

Another slaughter by the “religion of peace.”

It is clear that the massacre of Charlie Hebdo magazine’s editors and cartoonists in Paris by Islamic gunmen early Wednesday afternoon was well-planned. You recall that Charlie Hebdo had earlier published cartoons exposing Mohammed as the murdering warlord he was. Other media and public figures have done so and been threatened or murdered.

Twelve cartoonists and two policemen were murdered. The terrorists announced after their carnage that “this was vengeance for the Prophet Mohammed.” Some witnesses claim that at least one of the men cried “All-a-hu Akbar,” (“All-a-h is greater”), the rallying cry of Islamic terrorists. You could hear this on the video yourself. No matter the facts we hear the same old lie that this is not Islam, that Islam is a peaceful religion and that no religion condones such violence. Have these people never read the Koran?

When I learned about this, my immediate thought was the way to respond to this was for cartoonist around the world to post their own cartoons promoting the truth about Islam. I am pleased that many have done this. God bless them for their courage.

Thank God the French authorities have arrested one of the terrorists and are looking for two other men responsible for this attack. Unfortunately, France does not have the death penalty.

While our amoral Muslim Marxist occupant of the White House expressed outrage at the incident, he could not bring himself to call the murderers what they are – Islamic terrorist. This should not be a surprise. He will never do this because he is a Muslim sympathetic to their cause. His words and actions actually encourage these kinds of attacks. This is not just my opinion.


Let me remind you of his views toward Islam from a speech he gave at the UN in 2012: You cannot separate his words from their actions. ‘The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam.’


Islam is God’s judgment on Europe for the Holocaust and America for forsaking God. As long as we have anti-Judeo-Christian political correct elite running the country, we will continue to self-destruct as a nation. Only teshuvah, a return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who made us great, can save America. What will it take for America to repent or will we? In the bigger picture, Jews and Christians must set our face towards Jerusalem because the time to favor Zion has come.


We join with writers and lovers of freedom everywhere who are proclaiming:

JeSuisCharlie – I am Charlie

When Was Jesus Born – Really?

When Was Jesus Born – Really?

The Sign of the Woman and the Birth of Messiah

Revelation 12:1-5

In ancient times, scholarly minded wise men developed the science of astronomy to understand how the alignment of the sun, moon and planets and stars in our solar system influenced the weather, the four seasons, agriculture for planting and harvest, telling time, etc. They organized heaven according to twelve constellations (an area of stars) which they could observe. The signs of the Zodiac come from these constellations. The observable science of astronomy was later perverted for the masses into what we know today as astrology. Whenever there is truth, Satan will develop a counterfeit. The astronomers were able to observe the path of the sun, moon, and planets and their alignment with the stars as they traveled through the heavens along the ecliptic (an imaginary path in the sky of our solar system). They came to understand that the position and alignment of these heavenly bodies were often signs from God communicating that major events are to take place on the earth. In John’s time astronomers understood these celestial signs. These were the “wise men” of Matthew 2.

One of the constellations is Virgo which is the only sign of a woman in the heavenly bodies. Virgo is Latin for virgin. So we have a sign in heaven of a virgin who is pregnant and about to give birth to a son who will be caught up to heaven and who will rule the nations with a rod of iron. (Psalm 2:9; Rev. 2:27; 19:15) The woman is clothed with the sun, has the moon at her feet and twelve stars on her head.

The head of Virgo slightly overlaps into the constellation Leo and her feet slightly overlap into the constellation of Scorpio/Libra. The Zodiac sign or shape for Leo is a lion and for this reason, Leo is considered the royal or kingly constellation. The brightest star in Leo is Regulus, Latin for Rex, royal, king. Regulus is considered the royal or kingly star. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is considered to be the king or royal planet. At a certain time, the path of Jupiter is in the head of Virgo/Leo and then passes through Virgo between her legs. This was a sign that the virgin would give birth to a king So we have the king constellation, the king star and the king planet in the head of Virgo at the same time with the sun in her mid-section and the moon under her feet. The sign or shape of Scorpio/Libra is a scorpion with claws. For this reason, Scorpio is known as the dragon constellation. Notice this constellation is at the feet of Virgo meaning that the dragon will strike the feet of the virgin born king (Genesis 3:15).

When viewed from the earth, the sun, moon and crown pass through Virgo at various times. Their alignment allows those knowledgeable to read time as their alignment is God’s celestial clock. This celestial sign describes the time of the year and month and day and time when the sun, the moon and twelve stars with Jupiter will be in the constellation of Virgo exactly as described in Revelation 12. Using astronomy software, we learn that the sun “clothes the woman,” meaning in her mid-section, for a twenty day period from August 27 through September 15 in the year 3 B.C.  Furthermore, the alignment tells us that the moon is a new moon. During the twenty day period, the moon is positioned under her feet for only ninety minutes from 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm.

The only time all of these alignments were in place in the year 3 B.C. was September 11, a Wednesday, which was the New Moon Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, the Day of the Blowing of the Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1. As the “Horn of our Salvation” (Psalm 18:1-3, Luke 1:67-71), Yeshua/Jesus was most likely born on this day, the day kings were crowned (1 Kings 1:39). The wise men did not come to celebrate the birth of Jesus but to acknowledge Him as the future King of Israel.

For almost two years, the “wise men” observed the movement of the heavenly bodies towards this alignment which is why Herod killed all the baby boys two years old and under. On September 11, 3 BC, the heavenly sign of perfect alignment stood over Bethlehem according to Micah 5:2.

This alignment will be seen in the future on September 23, 2017 and September 17, 2050.







“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may they prosper who love you.
Peace within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.
For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say,
‘Peace be within you.’ Because of the house of the Lord our God
I will seek your good” (Psalm 122:6-9)

The English word “pray” is found in the Hebrew Bible 225 times. The normal Hebrew word translated into English as pray is Na, pronounced naw, Strongs #4994. It simply means to ask. But the Hebrew word translated as pray in Psalm 122:6 is sha’al, pronounced shah-ahl, Strong’s #7592. Of the 225 references for pray, this is the only time this Hebrew word is used. Since sha’al is not the normal Hebrew word for pray, this means God is telling us something very important about praying for the peace of Jerusalem, something He wants us to understand and act on.

Much more than just asking, the word sha’al means an earnest, heartfelt desire almost to the point of demanding an explanation understanding of and participation in bringing peace to Jerusalem. It is a recognition that there will never be “world peace” until there is first peace in Jerusalem. So the word sha’al not only means to actively and earnestly seek the good or peace of Jerusalem through prayer but also through works of covenantal love, that is to partner with God and His will for bringing peace to Jerusalem. The last part of verse nine clarifies what it means to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It says of Jerusalem to “seek your good.”
